Termite Inspection Sherman CT



Termite Inspections in the Sherman area

Termite Inspection Sherman CT LicensedTermite Inspection Sherman CT: An annual pest inspection can protect your investment. Pests like and termites, ants, and wood-boring beetles feed on the wood in your home, causing both structural and cosmetic damage.

In CT, termites, carpetner ants, carpenter bees and wood boring beetles are of particular concern.

We provide termite inspections in Sherman for the presence of wood-destroying insects, including:

  • Termites
  • Wood-boring beetles
  • Powderpost beetles
  • Carpenter ants
  • Carpenter bees

If termites, carpetner ants or other wood-destroying insects are found in your home, it’s important to address the infestation immediately. Our termite control experts are equipped to provide both preventative and corrective wood-destroying insect treatments to help you protect your home.

Termite Inspections in Sherman for Wood Destroying Insects

Sherman CT properties that have been in existence for more than 1 year are checked for active termites and wood boring pests by the inspector.

The termite inspector notes any signs of termite infestation or conditions that are favorable for infestation of termites, carpenter ants, wood boring beetles or carpenter bees.

Your termite inspection performed by us is acceptable for FHA, VA and conventional mortgages alike.

We conduct thorough checks of your property and provide quick turnaround for your termite inspection report.

Realtors, homeowners as well and lenders are welcome to contact us to schedule an inspection on the Sherman subject property.

Call today to schedule your appointment:
